November 3, 2023

Kelp Forest Photo Award


Excerpt from Contest website:

These awards ask us how we create and maintain personal connections to a rapidly changing ocean?

The "Hidden Forests Around Us" theme invites photographers to capture how kelp forests are connected to our daily lives and how we as a society can build a new relationship with our ocean to save them.

Entries will showcase the multi-faceted essence of these unique ecosystems and inspire affection and recognition for these often underappreciated underwater worlds. 

Participants can submit entries in 8 categories:

  1. Stories from the forest

  2. Connection to People

  3. Kelp in our Future

  4. Ecosystems (wide angle)

  5. Macro

  6. Wildlife

  7. Youth

  8. Great Southern Reef

Submission deadlines:

Entries open in November 2023.

Early Bird Deadline is Dec 22, 2023.

Regular Deadline is Jan 19, 2024.

Late Deadline is Feb 14, 2024.

Enter your photos here for a chance to win some amazing prizes.